Monday, October 26, 2015

Make Shop Monday: An Interview with Samantha Betykefer, Gianna Cicero, Kayla Gray and Julia Libbon

Happy Monday! For the next few weeks, Make Shop Monday is going to focus on makers from Ms. Raitano's 8th grade English class. This post is the third in our series. Throughout September, Ms. Raitano's class undertook an advertising unit. For this project, students were asked to come up with a product to sell, design and make that product, then create an advertising campaign that encouraged their classmates to purchase their product. We are going to feature several student-created companies and the products they developed. This week we will hear from Samantha Betykefer, Gianna Cicero, Kayla Gray and Julia Libbon. 

Avonworth Resource Center: What product did your group decide to make?
We made a chap stick pencil which is a 3D printed clip attached to a pencil and you can put a chap stick of your choice in the clip.

 ARC: How did you decide to make it?
We couldn't decide what invention we wanted to make so we thought of a few things we hate and not having chap stick at all times was one of them.

ARC: Did you run into any issues during your design process?
Yes.  Our design didn't work at first. We messed up the measurements on our first prototype of our clip and it didn't fit he pencil and chap stick.

ARC: Why should someone buy this product?
Our product helps you in both beauty and writing. It saves you hassle of not having chap stick when you need it and you're writing.

This concludes our Grade 8 Advertising Project Maker series. Thanks for reading - stay tuned to this space for more on the makers of Avonworth!

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